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Expressing hopes Ag innse mu dhòchasan

I hope that...doesn't happenTha mi an dòchas nach bi...

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tha mi an dòchas nach bi … I hope … will not be ...

tha mi an dòchas nach bi an t-uisge ann I hope that it will not be raining

tha mi an dòchas nach bi e fada gun tighinn I hope that it will not be long in coming

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman A bheil a h-uile càil againn a-nis? Do we have everything now?
Man Tha.
Sin e.
That’s it.
Woman Tha mi an dòchas nach bi an t-uisge ann a-nochd. I hope that it doesn’t rain tonight.
Man Tha mi an dòchas nach bi. I hope not.
Mother A bheil thu airson a dhol a-mach dhan ghàrradh? Do you want to go out into the garden?
Son Tha. Yes.
Mother Thalla ’s cuir ort do chòta ma-thà.
Tha mi an dòchas nach bi thu ro fhuar.
Sin thu.
Siuthad ma-thà.
Thig a-steach ma tha thu fuar.
Go and put your coat on then.
I hope that you won’t be too cold.
There you are.
On you go then.
Come in if you are cold.
Son Ok. Ok.
Woman 1 Bha siud math, nach robh? That was good, wasn’t it?
Woman 2 Bha.
Ghabh mi cus.
I had too much.
Woman 1 Càit am faigh sinn bus? Where will we get a bus?
Woman 2 Dìreach an sin. Just there.
Woman 1 Glè mhath.
Ò, tha i fuar, nach eil?
Very good.
Oh, it’s cold, isn’t it?
Woman 2 Tha. Yes.
Woman 1 Tha mi an dòchas nach bi e fada gun tighinn. I hope that it won’t be long coming.