Speaking our Language
Build on your new skills here in series 2 of Speaking Our Language and continue to lay the foundation for communicating and expressing yourself in Gaelic. San dàrna sreath an seo, leasaich do chuid sgilean ùra agus cùm ort a’ suidheachadh stèidh airson a bhith a’ conaltradh ’s a’ cur do bheachdan fhèin an cèill tron Ghàidhlig.
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking what someone looks like A’ faighneachd cò ris a tha cuideigin coltach
- Describing what someone looks like Ag innse cò ris a tha cuideigin coltach
- Describing things and people Ag innse cò ris a tha rudan is daoine coltach
- Asking if someone knows someone A’ faighneachd a bheil cuideigin eòlach air duine eile
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone’s opinion of something A’ faighneachd dè a bheachd a th’ aig cuideigin air rudeigin
- Giving opinion of something A’ toirt do bheachd air rudeigin
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone what they are doing A’ faighneachd do chuideigin dè tha iad a’ dèanamh
- Saying what you or someone else is doing Ag innse dè a tha thusa no cuideigin eile a’ dèanamh
- Saying how you feel Ag innse mar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying that you had a day off Ag ràdh gun robh latha dheth agad an-diugh
- Saying what you did on that day Ag ràdh gun robh thu a’ coiseachd
- Saying what you did all day Ag ràdh gun robh i brèagha an-diugh
- Describing what the weather was like Ag innse cò ris a bha an aimsir coltach
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone how they feel A' faighneachd do chuideigin ciamar a tha iad a’ faireachdainn?
- Telling someone how you feel Ag innse do chuideigin nach eil thu gu math
- Asking if someone is feeling seasick A' faighneachd mu chur-na-mara
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking whether someone had a good dayA' faighneachd do chuideigin an robh latha math aca
- Asking someone whether they have seen or saw something or someoneA' faighneachd do chuideigin am faca iad rudeigin
- Saying what you didAg innse na rinn thu
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking where someone was born A’ faighneachd do chuideigin càit an do rugadh iad
- Saying where you were born and where you live Ag innse do chuideigin gun do rugadh thu ann an... agus tha thu a' fuireach ann an...
- Asking someone when they married A’ faighneachd do chuideigin cuin a phòs iad
- Asking someone where they met him A’ faighneachd do chuideigin càit an do choinnich e ris
- Saying where you mlearnt something Ag ràdh cuin a dh' ionnsaich thu rudeigin
- Asking someone when they learnt something A’ faighneachd do chuideigin cuin a dh’ ionnsaich iad rudeigin
- Asking someone where they learned to do something A’ faighneachd do chuideigin càit a dh’ionnsaich iad rudeigin
- Asking someone where they got something A’ faighneachd do chuideigin càit an d' fhuair iad rudeigin
- Telling someone where you got something Ag innse do chuideigin càit an d' fhuair thu rudeigin
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone when they do something habituallyA’ faighneachd do chuideigin cuin a bhios iad ag èirigh anns a’ mhadainn
- Saying when you do somethingAg ràdh cuin a bhios tu a’ dèanamh rudeigin
- Saying how you go to workAg ràdh ciamar a bhios tu a’ dol a dh’ obair
- Saying when you get the trainAg ràdh cuin a bhios tu a’ gabhail an trèan
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking permission A' faighneachd airson chead
- Giving permission A' toirt cead
- Refusing permission A' diùltadh cead
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking to speak to someoneA' faighneachd airson cuideigin
- Saying you would like to speak to someoneAg radh gu bheil thu airson cuideigin fhaicinn
- Asking to see someoneA' faighneachd airson cuideigin fhaicinn
- Giving permission to see someoneA' toirt cead do chuideigin
- Replying and refusing permission to see someoneA' diùltadh cead do chuideigin
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking if someone is hungryA bheil an t-acras ort?
- Talking about getting a mealFaodaidh sinn biadh fhaighinn an seo
- Asking if someone is thirstyA bheil am pathadh ort?
- Ordering drinks and foodGabhaidh mi...
- Asking what someone would likeAm bu toigh leibh...?
- Saying what you and others would likeBu toigh leam...
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying what you have to “need to” doAg ràdh "Feumaidh mi..."
- Asking someone when they need to do somethingA’ faighneachd do chuideigin cuin a dh’fheumas iad dhol...
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone if they know where somewhere is A' faighneachd "A bheil fhios agaibh càit a bheil...?"
- Saying where somewhere is Ag ràdh "Tha e ri taobh / faisg air..."
- Saying someone will be at home all day Ag ràdh "Bidh cuideigin aig an taigh fad an latha"
- Saying where someone needs to go to get to somewhere Ag ràdh "Feumaidh tu dhol suas an rathad sin..."
- Asking how to get from A to B A' faigheachd "Ciamar a gheibh mi gu B bho A?"
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying where you want to goAg ràdh "Tha sinn airson a dhol a-null thairis"
- Saying where you are going on holidayAg ràdh "Tha sinn a’ dol dhan Spàinn"
- Asking who someone is going on holiday withA' faighneachd "A bheil duine a’ dol ann còmhla riut?"
- Telling people who is going on holiday with youAg ràdh "Tha...a’ dol ann còmhla rium"
- Asking how long someone will be awayA' faighneachd "Dè cho fad ’s a bhios sibh air falbh?"
- Asking when someone came back from holidayA' faighneachd "Cuin a thàinig sibh air ais?"
- Booking a hotel roomA' faighneachd airson rùm ann an taigh-òsta
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking if someone can do somethingA' faighneachd do cuideigin "An urrainn dhut...?"
- Asking if you can speak to someoneA' faighneachd do cuideigin "Am faod mi bruidhinn ri?"
- Asking if someone is good at somethingA' faighneachd do cuideigin "A bheil thu math air?"
- Saying if you are good at somethingAg ràdh "Tha mi math air..."
- Asking someone to help you do somethingA' faighneachd do cuideigin airson do chuideachadh
- Saying something looks difficultAg ràdh "Tha i a’ coimhead doirbh"
- Saying if something is difficultAg ràdh "Tha e glè dhoirbh"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone when they intend to do something A' faighneachd do chuideigin" Cuin a tha dùil agaibh falbh?"
- Stating when you expect to get something done Ag ràdh "Tha dùil agam gum bi e deiseil..."
- Saying that you didn’t expect something to happen Ag ràdh "Cha robh dùil agam ri seo"
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Expressing hope Ag ràdh "Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil..."
- Expressing various types of hope Ag ràdh "Gheibh mi seo agus thèid sinn ann..."
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking if someone is coming to visit A' faighneachd do chuideigin "A bheil.. a’ tighinn a chèilidh?"
- Asking about people A' faighneachd do chuideigin "A bheil càil às ùr agad?"
- Asking for news A' faighneachd do chuideigin "Chan eil Daniel a’ faireachdainn gu math an-diugh"
- Saying how people are Ag ràdh ggun robh tubaist aig
- Asking if someone has heard about something A' faighneachd do chuideigin "An cuala sibh mu dheidhinn Anna...?"
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile: