FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Giving directions A’ toirt seachad seòlaidhean

The first street on your leftA' chiad shràid air ur làimh chlì

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

air do làimh dheis on your right hand side

air ur làimh dheis on your right hand side (plural/polite)

air ur làimh chlì on your left hand side (plural/polite)

a’ chiad rathad the first road

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man Murt mhòr!
Tha e deich uairean.
Am faod mi am fòn agad a chleachdadh?
Feumaidh mi fònadh gu Màiri.
Oh heck!
It’s ten o’ clock.
May I use your phone?
I need to phone Mary.
Man 2 Faodaidh gu dearbh.
Tha am fòn a-muigh an sin air do làimh dheis.
Yes, indeed.
The phone is out there on your right.
Man Tapadh leat. Thank you.
Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Càit a bheil na seacaidean?
Excuse me.
Where are the jackets?
Female Staff Tha iad shìos an sin air ur làimh dheis. They are down there on your right.
Woman Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
A bheil fios agaibh càit a bheil na Corran Halls?
Excuse me.
Do you know where the Corran Halls are?
Man Na Corran Halls?
Tha iad shuas an sin air ur làimh chlì.
The Corran Halls?
They are up there on your left.
Woman Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Man Co às a tha sibh? Where are you from?
Woman Tha mi à Dùn Èideann.
Dh’ionnsaich mi Gàidhlig.
I’m from Edinburgh.
I learned Gaelic.
Man Rinn sibh glè mhath. You’ve done very well.
Woman Tapadh leibh.
Mar sin leibh.
Thank you.
Man Mar sin leibh. Goodbye.
Woman 1 Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
A bheil banca faisg air an seo?
Excuse me.
Is there a bank near here?
Woman 2 Tha.
Feumaidh sibh a dhol sìos an seo agus tha am banca air a’ chiad sràid air an làimh chlì.
You need to go down here and the bank is the first street on the left.
Woman 1 A’ chiad sràid?
Dè thuirt sibh?
The first street?
What did you say?
Woman 2 A’ chiad sràid air an làimh chlì. The first street on the left.
Woman 1 Mòran taing. Many thanks.
Woman 2 ’S e ur beatha. You’re welcome.
Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Tha mi airson a dhol chun an stèisein.
Excuse me. I want to go to the station.
Man B’ aill leibh? Pardon?
Woman A bheil fios agaibh càit a bheil an stèisean? Do you know where the station is?
Man Ò, an stèisean.
A’ chiad shràid air ur làimh chlì.
Oh, the station.
The first street on your left.