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Personal pronouns

Riochdairean pearsanta

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What is a prepositional pronoun?

Dè th’ ann an roimhear riochdail?

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Prepositional pronouns Roimhearan riochdail

We often use prepositions (e.g. on, at, under) with a pronoun (e.g. I, you, it), to give us phrases such as “on me” and “under it”. Check out our list of the most common ones. ’S tric a chleachdas sinn roimhearan (m.e. air, aig, fo) còmhla ri riochdairean (m.e. mi, thu, e/i) airson abairtean leithid “orm” agus “fodha” a thoirt dhuinn. Thòir sùil air ar liostaichean air an fheadhainn as cumanta.

Gaelic Grammar Hacks Beagan taic

These videos will help you with some quick grammar fixes! Bheir na bhidiothan seo beagan taic le gràmar na Gàidhlig!.

Introduction to the definite article An t-alt
This is is a section from Little by Little which may be helpful to you. ’S e earrann a tha seo bhon chùrsa 'Beag air Bheag', is dòcha gum bi e cuideachail dhut.
Introduction to verbs Gnìomhairean
This is is a section from Little by Little which may be helpful to you. ’S e earrann a tha seo bhon chùrsa 'Beag air Bheag', is dòcha gum bi e cuideachail dhut.