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Stating preferences Ag innse dè as fheàrr leat

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

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Seumas A bheil fhios agad, Iain, dè as fheàrr leamsa mu dheidhinn na dràma? Do you know, John, what I like best about the drama?
Iain Na boireannaich. The women.
Seumas Sin e.
A bhith a' faicinn...seo cuideigin a’ tighinn a-steach, fuirich thusa an sin.
Ms Donaldson, feasgar math.
That’s it. To see...here’s someone coming in, you wait there.
Good afternoon, Ms Donaldson.
Ms Donaldson Feasgar math. Good afternoon.
Seumas Nis, nach e seo am fear as fheàrr leibh?
Cha toigh leam am fear mòr ud.
Now, isn’t this the one you prefer?
I don’t like that big one.
Ms Donaldson Tha e ro dhaor.
’S fheàrr leam am fear seo ach cha toigh leam an dath.
It’s too dear.
I prefer this one but I don’t like the colour.
Seumas An dath? The colour?
Seumas Ceithir uairean. Four o’ clock.
Seumas Gabh mo leisgeul, Iain.
An tig thu air ais aig cairteal gu sia?
Seo dath eile ma tha sibh ag iarraidh?
Excuse me, John.
Will you come back at quarter to six?
Here’s another colour if you want?
Ms Donaldson ’S fheàrr leam an dath sin.
I prefer that colour.
Seumas Sin an dath air na sùilean agaibh, an e? That’s the colour of your eyes, isn’t it?
Ms Donaldson Ò, thusa.
Chan e.
Oh, you.
Seumas Ò, chan e.
Tha iad donn.
’S fheàrr leamsa donn co-dhiù.
Oh, it isn’t.
They are brown.
I prefer brown anyway.
Ms Donaldson ’S e duine uabhasach a th’ annaibh. You’re a terrible man.
Seumas An càr seo ma-thà.
Càr snog uaine.
This car then.
A nice, green car.
Ms Donaldson ’S e. Yes.
Seumas Chan eil càr againne nas fheàrr na e.
Trobhadaibh dhan oifis ma-thà, Ms Donaldson.
A bheil sibh ag iarraidh cupa cofaidh?
We don’t have a better car than it.
Come into the office then, Ms Donaldson.
Do you want a cup of coffee?
Ceit Ceart.
Feumaidh mi am falt agam a nighe.
Agus an dreas ùr agam a chur orm.
Agus aig deich uairean, cò bhios aig an doras?
I have to wash my hair.
And put on my new dress.
And at ten o’ clock, who will be at the door?
Seumas Dè as fheàrr leat?
An obair ùr no an obair a dh’fhàg thu?
Which do you prefer?
The new job or the job that you left?
Iain ’S fheàrr leam an obair ùr. I prefer the new job.
Seumas Agus an t-airgead? And the money?
Iain Chan eil an t-airgead dona.
Ach, a Sheumais, nach innis thu dhomh mu dheidhinn na dràma?
Dè an dealbh-chluich a th’ ann?
Màiri Banrigh na h-Alba?
An e dealbh-chluich ùr a th’ ann?
The money is not bad.
But, James, won’t you tell me about the drama?
What play is it?
Mary Queen of Scots?
Is it a new play?
Seumas ’S e.
’S e Tormod Mac a’ Phì a sgrìobh e.
Sgrìobh e e do Cheit, tha mi cinnteach.
Tha Ceit cho brèagha.
Dìreach mar a’ bhanrigh Màiri.
It is Norman MacPhee that wrote it.
He wrote it for Kate, I’m sure.
Kate is so beautiful.
Just like Queen Mary.
Iain Tha, gu dearbh.
Agus a bheil Ceit agus Tormod a’ falbh le chèile?
Yes, definitely.
And are Kate and Norman going out together?
Seumas Chan eil fhios agam.
Nach eil Tormod pòsta?
Tha e ag obair anns an sgoil anns a bheil Ceit co-dhiù.
I don’t know.
Isn’t Norman married?
He’s working at the school where Kate is anyway.
Ceit A Sheumais, cha robh dùil agam... James, I didn’t expect...
Seumas Haidh.
Bha mi a’ dol a chèilidh air Iain ach chan eil e a-staigh.
’S thuirt mi leam fhìn, canaidh mi “halò” ri Ceit.
A bheil thu saor mionaid?
’S toigh leam an taigh seo.
An ann dhomhsa a tha seo?
I was going to visit John but he isn’t in.
And I said to myself, I’ll say “hello” to Kate.
Are you free for a minute?
I like this house.
Is this for me?
Ceit Tha...tha Anna a’ tighinn air chèilidh a-nochd. Anne is...is coming to visit tonight.
Seumas ’S toigh leam an t-aodach agad agus am falt. I like your clothes and your hair.
Ceit Halò?
’S tu fhèin a th’ ann.
Bidh a h-uile càil deiseil dhut.
It’s yourself.
Everything will be ready for you.
Seumas An e droch naidheachd a bh’ ann? Was it bad news?
Ceit Chan e.
Feumaidh mi...
I need to...
Seumas An urrainn dhomh càil a dhèanamh? Can I do anything for you?
Seumas Ò, ‘s tu fhèin a th’ ann! Oh, it’s yourself!
Iain Haidh, a Sheumais.
Dè tha thusa a’ dèanamh an seo?
Hi, James.
What are you doing here?
Seumas Bha mi a' tighinn a chèilidh ort. I was coming to visit you.
Iain Ach, cha robh mi a-staigh.
Tha mi duilich.
But, I wasn’t in.
I’m sorry.
Seumas Chan eil e gu diofar.
Chaidh mi a-steach a chèilidh air Ceit.
It doesn’t matter.
I went in to visit Kate.
Iain Ò, agus ciamar a bha i? Oh, and how was she?
Seumas Chan eil mi cinnteach.
Thuirt i gun robh Anna a' dol a thighinn a chèilidh.
I’m not sure.
She said that Anne was going to come to visit.
Iain Agus...? And...?
Seumas Uill, chan eil fhios agam.
Bha champagne air a’ bhòrd.
Co-dhiù, tha e anmoch ’s feumaidh mise falbh.
Well, I don’t know.
There was champagne on the table.
Anyway, it’s late and I must be going.
Iain Halò a Cheit.
Thuirt Seumas rium gun robh rudeigin ceàrr, agus thàinig mi a-nuas.
Hello Kate.
James said that something was wrong, and I came down.
Ceit Siuthad Iain.
Thig a-steach.
Ag iarraidh glainne champagne?
Go on, John.
Come in.
Want a glass of champagne?