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Talking about the body A’ bruidhinn mun bhodhaig

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

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Ceit Hello?
The Gaelic adviser, please.
Kate Mackay, Head of Gaelic, Drummoyne Academy.
No, I’ll hang on.
Haidh, a Dhòmhnaill.
Chan eil.
Tha mi a’ lorg obair.
Seadh, obair.
Obair ùr dhomh fhìn.
Chan eil e gu diofar.
Sgoil sam bith ann an àite sam bith.
Ach b’ fheàrr leam a bhith air falbh o Ghlaschu.
Dìreach cho luath ’s as urrainn dhomh.
Ceart ma-tà.
Tapadh leat.
The Gaelic adviser, please.
Kate Mackay, Head of Gaelic, Drummoyne Academy.
No, I’ll hang on.
Hi, Donald.
I’m looking for work.
Yes, work.
A new job for myself.
It doesn’t matter.
Any school anywhere.
But I’d rather be away from Glasgow.
Just as quickly as I can.
Right then.
Thank you.
Tormod An robh, a ghràidh?
Tha sin math.
Nise, dè tha thu airson ithe?
Tha e gu bhith còig uairean.
Chan fhaigh mi iasg a-nochd.
Dè mu dheidhinn cearc?
Am faigh mi cearc ann an Safeway air an rathad dhachaigh?
Bainne, measan, agus a bheil thu ag iarraidh botal lucozade?
Ceart ma-thà, a ghràidh.
Cha bhi mi fada.
Agus, a Shìne, coma leat, chì mi thu ann an leth-uair a thìde.
Were you, dear?
That’s good.
Now, what do you want to eat?
It’s almost five o’ clock.
I will not get fish tonight.
What about chicken?
Will I get chicken in Safeway on the way home?
Milk, fruit, and do you want a bottle of lucozade?
Right then, dear.
I won’t be long.
And, Jean, never mind, I’ll see you in half an hour.
Son A mhamaidh, tha mi sgìth, tha mi airson a dhol dhachaigh. Mummy, I’m tired, I want to go home.
Mother Chan urrainn dhuinn a dhol dhachaigh fhathast, a ghaoil. We can’t go home yet, love.
Son Am faigh mi airgead ma-thà? Can I get some money then?
Mother Chan eil airgead aig Mamaidh an-diugh, a ghaoil. Mummy doesn’t have any money today, love.
Tormod Oidhche mhath. Good night.
Mother Oidhche mhath, a Thormoid.
Sèid do shròn, a ghaoil.
Good night, Norman.
Blow your nose, love.
Son Chan eil mi a’ faireachdainn gu math.
Tha mo chluasan goirt.
I don’t feel well.
My ears are sore.
Mother Trobhad gus am faic mamaidh. Come here so mummy can see.
Ceit Iseabail! Cailein!
Dè idir a tha sibhse a’ dèanamh an seo?
Ishbel! Colin!
What on earth are you doing here?
Iseabail Tha mi ag obair an seo a-nis.
Thòisich mi a-nochd fhèin.
I’m working here now.
I started this very night.
Ceit A bheil do dhruim goirt?
Trobhad, Iseabail.
Thugainn a-steach dhan oifis agamsa ’s nì mi cupa tì dhut.
Trobhad, a Chailein.
Faodaidh tusa a dhol a dh’iarraidhrudeigin dhut fhèin anns a’ bhùth.
Is your back sore?
Come, Ishbel.
Come into my office and I’ll make a cup of tea for you.
Come, Colin.
You can go and get something for yourself in the shop.
Iseabail Can “tapadh leat” dha Miss Mackay.
An cuala tu mu Shìne bhochd? Chaill i an leanabh.
Say “thank you” to Miss Mackay.
Did you hear about poor Jean? She lost the baby.
Ceit Chuala. Yes.
Iseabail Tha iad ag ràdh gun do thuit i. They say that she fell
Ceit Aidh.
Chuala mi sin.
Thug Iain dhomh seo a-raoir.
An dealbh-chluich a sgrìobh thu.
Murt aig a’ Mhòd.
Tha e uabhasach math, ach...
I heard that.
John gave me this last night.
The play that you wrote.
Murder at the Mòd.
It’s very good, but...
Iseabail Dè, a Cheit?
Nach eil e freagarrach?
What, Kate?
Isn’t it suitable?
Ceit Tha, Iseabail.
Ach ’s dòcha nach bi mi fhìn ann.
No, Ishbel.
But I might not be here.
Iseabail Ciamar? How?
Ceit Tha mi a’ lorg obair ann an sgoil eile.
Tha rudan gu math duilich an seo. Iseabail, a ghràidh, Iseabail, dè dìreach a tha ceàrr?
I’m looking for a job in another school.
Things are very difficult here. Ishbel, dear, Ishbel, what on earth is wrong?
Iseabail Tha rudeigin uabhasach air tachairt. Something terrible has happened.
Ceit Innis dhomh dè th’ ann. Tell me what it is.
Iseabail A Cheit, ’s e Eàirdsidh a th’ ann.
An duine agam.
Kate, it’s Archie.
My husband.
Ceit Seadh.
An do chaill e obair?
An robh e ann an tubaist?
Did he lose his job?
Was he in an accident?
Iseabail Cha robh.
Ach cha chan thu facal ri duine sam bith.
A Cheit, tha Eàirdsidh sa phrìosan.
But don’t you say a word to anyone.
Kate, Archie is in prison.
Ceit Prìosan!
O shìorraidh.
Iseabail, Iseabail.
Dè an seòrsa caraid a th’ annam idir?
Tha mi air a bhith cho làn de na trioblaidean agam fhìn.
Oh, heavens.
Ishbel, Ishbel.
What kind of friend am I at all?
I’ve been so full of my own problems.
Cleaner Who does she think she is anyway?
In there with that Miss Mackay yacking away in Gaelic?
While we’re out here knocking our pans out!
Who does she think she is anyway?
In there with that Miss Mackay yacking away in Gaelic?
While we’re out here knocking our pans out!
Ceit Nise, nach tig thu fhèin agus Cailean dhachaigh còmhla riumsa a-nochd?
Rinn mi shepherd’s pie a-raoir.
Now, won’t you and Colin come home with me tonight?
I made shepherd’s pie last night.
Iseabail Ò, bhiodh sin sgoinneil, a Cheit.
Ach feumaidh mi crìoch a chur air an obair agam an toiseach.
Oh, that would be great, Kate.
But I must finish my work first.
Ceit Chan eil an obair sin math dha do dhruim. That job isn’t good for your back.
Iseabil Ach feumaidh mi airgead a chosnadh. But I earn money.
Ceit Uill, ’s dòcha gun urrainn dhuinn obair nas fheàrr fhaighinn dhut.
Faodaidh sinn bruidhinn mu dheidhinn a-nochd.
Hello, Mrs Webster, I’m sorry to have kept Mrs Macrae back, but Billy Ainsley was sick all over my office floor this afternoon, and it’s taken us all this time to get it cleaned up.
Good night.
Well, we can probably find a better job for you. We can speak about it tonight.
Hello, Mrs Webster, I’m sorry to have kept Mrs Macrae back, but Billy Ainsley was sick all over my office floor this afternoon, and it’s taken us all this time to get it cleaned up.
Good night.