Talking about consumer issues A’ bruidhinn mu chùisean luchd-caitheimh
Lorna | Haidh. | Hi. |
Shop assistant | Haidh. | Hi. |
Lorna | Am faod mi CD fhaighinn an àite na teip seo? ’S e preusant a bh’ ann bho mo bhràthair beag. | May I get a CD instead of this tape? It was a present from my wee brother. |
Shop assistant | Cuin a cheannaich thu e? | When did you buy it? |
Brother | An-dè. | Yesterday. |
Shop assistant | Agus ’s e CD aig Wet Wet Wet a tha thu ag iarraidh na àite, an e? | And it is Wet Wet Wet’s CD that you want instead of it, yes? |
Lorna | ’S e. | Yes. |
Shop assistant | Feumaidh tu barrachd airgid a phàigheadh airson CD. | You need to pay more money for a CD. |
Lorna | Tha fhios agam. Dè na bhios e? | I know. How much will that be? |
Shop assistant | Ceithir notaichean. | Four pounds. |
Lorna | Ceart gu leòr. ’S e preusant daor a bha siud. | Alright. That was an expensive present. |
Woman | Tha an cupa seo salach. Tha mi ag iarraidh cupa eile an àite an fhir seo. | This cup is dirty. I want another cup in place of this one. |
Girl | Tha mi duilich, madam. | I’m sorry, madam. |
Girl 2 | A bheil sibh ag iarraidh bainne? | Do you want milk? |
Woman | Tha, mas e do thoil e. Tapadh leat. | Yes, please. Thank you. |
Girl 2 | ’S e ur beatha. | You’re welcome. |
Girl | A bheil sibh ag iarraidh siùcar? | Do you want sugar? |
Woman | Tha, mas e do thoil e. Tapadh leat. | Yes, please. Thank you. |
Girl | ’S e ur beatha. | You’re welcome. |
Girl 2 | A bheil sibh ag iarraidh tagsaidh dhan stèisean? | Do you want a taxi to the station? |
Woman | Bhiodh sin math, tapadh leat. | That would be good, thank you. |
Girl | Halò, tha sinn ag iarraidh tacsaidh. Cha bhi an tagsaidh fada. | Hello, we want a taxi. The taxi won’t be long. |
Woman | Mòran taing. Abair deagh sheirbheis. Beannachd leibh. | Many thanks. What a good service. Goodbye. |