Winning and losing A’ buannachd is a’ call
Daughter | Haidh, a Dhadaidh. | Hi, Daddy. |
Father | Halò, Ruth. Ciamar a fhuair sibh air adhart? | Hello, Ruth. How did you get on? |
Mother | Bhuannaich sinn. Fhuair sinn a’ chiad duais. | We won. We got the first prize. |
Father | Mealaibh ur naidheachd. | Congratulations. |
Daughter | Gabh mo leisgeul. Cha do bhuannaich sinne. Bhuannaich Polly. Fhuair Polly a’ chiad duais. | Excuse me. We didn’t win. Polly won. Polly got the first prize. |
Aonghas | Halò, a Mhòrag. | Hello, Morag. |
Mòrag | Aonghais, tha e math d’ fhaicinn. | Angus, it’s good to see you. |
Aonghas | A bheil am Mòd a’ còrdadh ribh? | Are you enjoying the Mòd? |
Mòrag | Ò, tha. Bha Niall a’ cluich na pìoba. | Oh, yes. Neil was playing the pipes. |
Aonghas | An robh gu dearbh? Agus ciamar a fhuair thu air adhart, a bhalaich? | Was he indeed? And how did you get on, boy? |
Mòrag | Rinn e glè mhath, nach do rinn, a Nèill? Siuthad. Innis do Mhaighstir MacNeacail dè an duais a fhuair thu. | He did very well, didn’t you, Neil? Go on. Tell Mr Nicholson which prize you got. |
Niall | Fhuair mi an dàrna duais. | I got the second prize. |
Aonghas | An dàrna duais. Uill, uill. ’S dòch’ gum faigh thu a’ chiad duais an ath-bhliadhna. | The second prize. Well, well. You’ll probably get first prize next year. |
Daughter | An tàinig am post fhathast? | Has the post come yet? |
Mother | Cha tàinig. | No. |
Father | Carson? | Why? |
Mother | A’ cho-fharpais bhideo a bha i a’ dèanamh airson STV. A bheil cuimhne agad? | The video competition that she was doing for STV. Do you remember? |
Father | Ò, tha. Seadh. Dè tha e ag ràdh? | Oh, yes. Aye. What does it say? |
Mother | Ciamar a fhuair thu air adhart? | How did you get on? |
Daughter | Fhuair mi an dàrna duais. | I got the second prize. |
Father/Mother | Meal do naidheachd. | Congratulations. |
Mother | Dè an duais a fhuair thu? | What prize did you get? |
Daughter | Fhuair mi ceud not! | I got a hundred pounds! |