FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Winning and losing A’ buannachd is a’ call

What prize did you get?Dè an duais a fhuair thu?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

dè an duais a fhuair thu? what prize did you get?

fhuair mi an dàrna duais I got the second prize

fhuair sinn a’ chiad duais we got the first prize

Video is playing in pop-over.

Daughter Haidh, a Dhadaidh. Hi, Daddy.
Father Halò, Ruth.
Ciamar a fhuair sibh air adhart?
Hello, Ruth.
How did you get on?
Mother Bhuannaich sinn.
Fhuair sinn a’ chiad duais.
We won.
We got the first prize.
Father Mealaibh ur naidheachd. Congratulations.
Daughter Gabh mo leisgeul.
Cha do bhuannaich sinne.
Bhuannaich Polly.
Fhuair Polly a’ chiad duais.
Excuse me.
We didn’t win.
Polly won.
Polly got the first prize.
Aonghas Halò, a Mhòrag. Hello, Morag.
Mòrag Aonghais, tha e math d’ fhaicinn. Angus, it’s good to see you.
Aonghas A bheil am Mòd a’ còrdadh ribh? Are you enjoying the Mòd?
Mòrag Ò, tha.
Bha Niall a’ cluich na pìoba.
Oh, yes.
Neil was playing the pipes.
Aonghas An robh gu dearbh?
Agus ciamar a fhuair thu air adhart, a bhalaich?
Was he indeed?
And how did you get on, boy?
Mòrag Rinn e glè mhath, nach do rinn, a Nèill?
Innis do Mhaighstir MacNeacail dè an duais a fhuair thu.
He did very well, didn’t you, Neil?
Go on.
Tell Mr Nicholson which prize you got.
Niall Fhuair mi an dàrna duais. I got the second prize.
Aonghas An dàrna duais. Uill, uill.
’S dòch’ gum faigh thu a’ chiad duais an ath-bhliadhna.
The second prize. Well, well.
You’ll probably get first prize next year.
Daughter An tàinig am post fhathast? Has the post come yet?
Mother Cha tàinig. No.
Father Carson? Why?
Mother A’ cho-fharpais bhideo a bha i a’ dèanamh airson STV.
A bheil cuimhne agad?
The video competition that she was doing for STV.
Do you remember?
Father Ò, tha. Seadh.
Dè tha e ag ràdh?
Oh, yes. Aye.
What does it say?
Mother Ciamar a fhuair thu air adhart? How did you get on?
Daughter Fhuair mi an dàrna duais. I got the second prize.
Father/Mother Meal do naidheachd. Congratulations.
Mother Dè an duais a fhuair thu? What prize did you get?
Daughter Fhuair mi ceud not! I got a hundred pounds!