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Going on holiday A’ falbh air saor-làithean

What's that in pounds?Dè tha sin ann an notaichean?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

Tuirceach Turkish

millean million

’s fhiach millean lira fichead not a million lira is worth twenty pounds

bidh sinn nar millionaires we will be millionaires

Video is playing in pop-over.

Wife Lèine gheal.
Lèine dhearg.
Lèine ghorm.
A white shirt.
Red shirt.
Blue shirt.
Husband Trì lèintean, ceart? Three shirts, right?
Wife Briogais. Trousers.
Husband Briogais. Trousers.
Wife Seacaidean. Jackets.
Husband Dà sheacaid. Two jackets.
Wife Seadh. Brògan? Yes. Shoes?
Husband Seadh. Yes.
Wife Stocainnean.
Husband Tapadh leat. Thank you.
Wife A-nis, an d’ fhuair thu airgead Tuirceach fhathast? Now, did you get Turkish money yet?
Husband Fhuair an-diugh sa mhadainn.
Còig ceud mìle lira.
Còig ceud mìle lira eile.
Sin e.
Millean lira.
I got it this morning.
Five hundred thousand lira.
Another five hundred thousand lira.
There it is.
A million lira.
Wife Millean!
Abair fortan!
Dè tha sin ann an notaichean?
A million!
What a fortune!
What’s that in pounds?
Husband Fichead not. Twenty pounds.
Wife Thalla! Away!
Husband ’S e an fhìrinn a th’ agam.
’S fhiach millean lira fichead not.
Sin uile.
It’s the truth.
A million lira is worth twenty pounds.
That’s all.
Wife Nis, gheibh mise airgead Tuirceach a-màireach mus fhalbh sinn.
Bidh sinn nar millionaires!
Now, I'll get Turkish money tomorrow before we leave.
We’ll be millionaires!