FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about health A’ bruidhinn mu shlàinte

Don't take too muchNa gabh cus

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

na gabh cus don’t take too much

na gabhaibh cus don’t take too much

cha dèan deoch no dhà cron sam bith ort a drink or two won’t do you any harm

na ith cus don’t eat too much

na ithibh cus don’t eat too much (plural / polite)

na òl cus don’t drink too much

na òlaibh cus don’t drink too much (plural / polite)

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Ailean Cha ghabh.
Tapadh leat.
Sguir mi a’ smocadh.
No. Thank you..
I stopped smoking.
Wife An do sguir, Ailein?
Tha sin math, a ghràidh.
Did you, Alan?
That’s good, dear.
Ailean Tha e math ’s tha e math dhut.
Pinnt eile, mas e ur toil e.
It’s good and it’s good for you.
Another pint, please.
Wife Ò, Ailein.
Na gabh cus.
Oh, Alan.
Don’t have too much.
Ailean Na gabh cus?
Tha thusa a’ dràibheadh.
Don’t have too much?
You are driving.
Ailean Ò, mo cheann. Oh my head.
Wife A thruaghain, a bheil e uabhasach goirt? Poor thing, is it awfully sore?
Ailean Tha.
Uabhasach goirt.
Awfully sore.
Wife Hoigh, sguir.
Na gabh cus.
Cha bu chòir dhut barrachd is ochd a ghabhail anns an latha.
Hoy, stop.
Don’t have too much.
You shouldn’t take more than eight a day.
Doctor Am bi sibh a’ smocadh? Do you smoke?
Ailean Uill, bha mi a’ smocadh ach sguir mi. Well, I did smoke but I stopped.
Doctor Tha sin math.
Am bi sibh a’ gabhail eacarsaich sam bith?
That’s good.
Do you do any exercise?
Ailean Bithidh.
Bidh mi a’ cluich badmantan.
I play badminton.
Doctor Tha sin math.
Chan eil sin dona.
Ach feumaidh sibh a bhith faiceallach dè dh’itheas sibh.
Na gabh cus geir.
That’s good.
That isn’t bad.
But you need to be careful what you eat.
Don’t have too much fat.
Ailean Cha ghabh.
Bidh mi a’ grìosachadh a h-uile càil an àite a bhith a’ fraighigeadh.
I won’t.
I grill everything instead of frying.
Doctor Glè mhath.
Agus a-nise, dè mu dheidhinn deoch làidir?
À uill, cha dèan deoch no dhà cron sam bith ort.
Very good.
And now, what about alcohol?
Ah well, a drink or two won’t do you any harm.
Doctor/Ailean ...na gabh cus! ...don’t have too much!