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Telling people things Ag innse rudan do dhaoine

Did I tell you that...?An do dh'innis mi dhut gun robh...?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

an do dh’innis mi dhut …? did I tell you …?

an do dh’innis e sin dhut? did he tell you that?

dh’innis … … told

cha do dh’innis … … did not tell

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman 1 An do dh’innis mi dhut gun d’ fhuair an nighean agam obair ann an STV, telebhisean na h-Alba? Did I tell you that my daughter got a job in STV, Scottish television?
Woman 2 Dh’innis. Yes.
Woman 1 An do dh’innis mi dhut gu bheil i ag obair air Speaking Our Language? Did I tell you that she’s working on Speaking Our Language?
Woman 2 Dh’innis. Yes.
Woman 1 An do dh’innis mi dhut gun robh i a’ tighinn an seo an-diugh agus gu bheil thusa gu bhith air telebhisean? Did I tell you that she was coming here today and that you are going to be on television?
Man Cut! Math gu leòr May? Cut! Alright May?
May Tha! Yes!
Woman Seall.
Siud Aonghas.
There’s Angus.
Man ’S e.
Ach cò tha còmhla ris?
But who’s with him?
Woman Tha i a' coimhead mòran nas òige na esan. She looks much younger than him.
Man Thuirt e an latha eile gun robh e a’ dol a phòsadh. He said the other day that he was going to get married.
Woman An do dh’innis e sin dhut? Did he tell you that?
Man Dh’innis, ach cha robh mi ga chreidsinn. Yes, but I didn’t believe him.