Country pursuits Cur-seachadan dùthchail
I hope that you won't get seasickTha mi an dòchas nach bi cur na mara ort
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
faisg air a’ mhuir near the sea
ri taobh na mara beside the sea
The word a’ mhuir (the sea) changes to na mara as it takes the genitive case after a compound preposition, in this case ri taobh (beside).
tha mi an dòchas nach bi cur na mara ort I hope that you don’t get seasick
Husband | ’S e àite brèagha a tha seo. | This is a beautiful place. |
Wife | ’S e, a ghràidh. | Yes it is, dear. |
Husband | Ò, tha e cho math a bhith ri taobh na mara. | Oh, it’s so good to be beside the sea. |
Wife | Tha, a ghràidh. | Yes, dear. |
Husband | A Chatrìona, dè tha thu a’ dèanamh? | Catrina, what are you doing? |
Catrìona | Tha mi a’ togail caisteal gainmhich. | I’m building a sand castle. |
Husband | Fuirich air an tràigh ’s na tèid faisg air a’ mhuir. | Stay on the beach and don’t go near the sea. |
Catrìona | Cha tèid. | I won’t. |
Husband | Ò, tha seo àlainn. | Oh, this is lovely. |
Woman | Halò a Mhàiri. An do chòrd na saor-làithean riut? | Hello Mary. Did you enjoy the holidays? |
Màiri | Chòrd. Bha iad dìreach sgoinneil. | Yes. They were just great. |
Woman | A bheil dealbhan agad? | Do you have pictures? |
Màiri | Tha. Sin Donnchadh air an tràigh. Sin e a-rithist. Agus, sin an taigh-òsta. | Yes. There’s Duncan on the beach. There he is again. And, there’s the hotel. |
Woman | Tha e a' coimhead gu math daor. | It looks very expensive. |
Màiri | Cha robh e dona idir. | It wasn’t bad at all. |
Woman | Àite brèagha. | A beautiful place. |
Màiri | ’S e. Agus dìreach ri taobh na mara cuideachd. | Yes. And just beside the sea too. |
Policeman | Halò, alò, alò. Càit a bheil an dithis agaibhse a’ dol an-diugh? | Hallo, allo, allo. Where are the two of you going today? |
Iain | Tha sinn a’ dol air saor-làithean. | We’re going on holiday. |
Norman | Uill, tha aon fhear againn a’ dol air saor-làithean. | Well, one of us is going on holiday. |
Iain | Chan eil airgead gu leòr againn airson dithis. | We don’t have enough money for two people. |
Norman | Tha mise a’ dol ann am-bliadhna. | I’m going this year. |
Iain | Agus faodaidh mise a dhol ann an ath-bhliadhna. Seo ma-thà. Tha mi an dòchas nach bi cur na mara ort. | And I can go next year. Here we are then. I hope that you don’t get seasick. |
Norman | Cha bhi. Tìoraidh. | I won’t. Cheerio. |
Iain | Tìoraidh. | Cheerio. |