FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Describing locations Ag innse far a bheil rudan

Stand in front of the church (plural / polite)Seasaibh air beulaibh na h-eaglaise

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

taigh-tasgaidh museum

togaidh mise dealbh I will take a picture

air beulaibh an taigh-tasgaidh in front of the museum

mu choinneamh opposite

mu choinneamh an ospadail opposite the hospital

Video is playing in pop-over.

Seonag Càit an tèid mi, Iain? Where will I go, John?
Iain Ma sheasas tu air beulaibh an taigh-tasgaidh, bidh sin snog. If you stand in front of the museum, that will be nice.
Seonag Air beulaibh an taigh-tasgaidh?
In front of the museum?
Iain Mu choinneamh an ospadail.
Sin thu.
Math dha-rìribh.
Nis, a Sheonag.
Ma thèid thu sìos an sin, ma sheasas tu air cùlaibh na craoibhe sin.
In front of the hospital.
There you are.
Now, Joan.
If you go down there, if you stand behind that tree.
Seonag Mar seo? Like this?
Iain Coimhead ormsa, a ghràidh.
Tha sin brèagha.
Look at me, dear.
That’s beautiful.
Woman Togaidh mise dealbh no dhà dhen dithis agaibh còmhla. I’ll take a picture or two of the two of you together.
Iain Bhiodh sin gasta. That would be super.
Woman Dè na dealbhan a tha sibh ag iarraidh? What pictures do you want?
Seonag Bhiodh an eaglais mhòr math.
Seachad air an ospadal.
’S toigh leam na h-uinneagan a tha os cionn an dorais.
The big church would be good.
Past the hospital.
I like the windows that are above the door.
Woman Ceart gu leòr.
Seasaibh air beulaibh na h-eaglaise.
Bidh sin snog leis na h-uinneagan os cionn an dorais.
Chan eil film anns a’ chamara!
Stand in front of the church.
That will be nice with the windows above the door.
There isn’t a film in the camera!
Iain Chan eil. No there isn’t.
Seonag Chan eil sinne math air dealbhan a thogail idir.
Can “cheese”, Iain.
We are not good at taking pictures at all.
Say “cheese”, John.
Iain Cheese! Cheese!