Organising a party A’ cur partaidh air dòigh
You aren't able to think of nice things at allCha tèid agad air smaoineachadh air rudan snoga idir
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
an tèid agad air …? can you …?, will you manage ...?
an tèid agaibh air …? can you …?, will you manage ...? (plural/polite)
an tèid agaibh air tighinn ann? will you manage to come? (plural/polite)
thèid yes (to answer an tèid …?)
cha tèid no (to answer an tèid …?)
am fear as truime the heaviest one (masculine noun)
thèid agam air tighinn ann I will manage to come
tha an t-àm againn a dhol dhachaigh it is time for us to go home
Student 1 | An tèid agad air seo a thoirt dhomh? | Will you manage to take this for me? |
Student 2 | Thèid. Ann an dà dhiog. Seo am fear as truime! | Yes. In two seconds. This is the heaviest one! |
Student 1 | ’S e. | Yes, it is. |
Female 1 | Haidh. Dè tha dol? | Hi. What’s up? |
Student 1 | Tha partaidh ann a-nochd. An tèid agaibh air tighinn ann? | There’s a party tonight. Will you manage to come? |
Female 2 | Cha tèid, tha eagal orm. Tha triùir againn a’ dol a-mach a-nochd. Tha mi duilich. | No, I’m afraid. Three of us are going out tonight. I’m sorry. |
Female 1 | Uill, thèid agamsa air tighinn ann. Dè an uair a tha e a’ tòiseachadh? | Well, I’ll manage to come. What time does it start? |
Student 2 | Uair sam bith an dèidh aon uair deug. | Anytime after eleven. |
Female 1 | ’S am faod mi cuideigin a thoirt leam? | And may I bring someone with me? |
Student 2 | Faodaidh tu cuireadh a thoirt do dhuine sam bith. ’S e am partaidh as motha ann an Glaschu a bhios ann. | You may give an invite to anyone. It will be the biggest party in Glasgow. |
Female 1 | Sgoinneil. Uill, chì mi ann sibh. | Great. Well, I’ll see you there. |
Student 2 | Chì. Uill, tha an t-àm againn a dhol dhachaigh. Feumaidh sinn an taigh a chur air dòigh. Tìoraidh ma-thà. | Yes. Well, it’s time for us to go home. We need to put the house in order. Cheerio then. |
Female 1 and 2 | Tìoraidh an-dràsta. | Cheerio for now. |