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Talking about consumer issues A’ bruidhinn mu chùisean luchd-caitheimh

This shop has good stuffTha stuth math aig a' bhùth seo

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

freagarrach suitable

Video is playing in pop-over.

Mother Nì i an gnothach dha airson bhliadhnaichean. It will do him for years.
Lorna Wow!
Sony Diskman!
Tha seo tòrr nas fheàrr na an seann walkman agam.
A Sony Diskman!
This is much better than my old walkman.
Brother Cha robh fhios agam gun robh thu a’ faighinn diskman.
Fhuair mise teip dhut.
I didn’t know that you were getting a diskman.
I got you a tape.
Lorna Coma leat.
Thèid sinn air ais dhan bhùth.
Never mind.
We’ll go back to the shop.
Bellag Càit a bheil i?
Càit a bheil Lorna?
Where is she?
Where is Lorna?
Ceit Seo i.
Nach i a tha a’ coimhead mòr.
Here she is.
Isn’t she looking big.
Bellag Siuthad, a ghràidh.
Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut.
On you go, dear.
I hope you like it.
Lorna Ò, blobhsa.
Tapadh leibh.
Oh, a blouse.
Thank you.
Ceit Tha stuth math aig British Home Stores.
Nì i an gnothach dhut airson bhliadhnaichean.
British Home Stores has good stuff.
It will last you for years.