Telling people things Ag innse rudan do dhaoine
I'm not going to tell youChan eil mi a' dol a dh'innse dhut
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
a bheil thu a’ dol a dh’innse dha? are you going to tell him?
chan eil mi a’ dol a dh'innse dhut I’m not going to tell you
tha mi a’ dol a dh’innse dhi I’m going to tell her
a bheil thu a’ dol a dh’innse dhomh …? are you going to tell me …?
Norman | Oidhche mhath, m’ eudail. Chì mi a-màireach thu. | Good night, darling. I will see you tomorrow. |
FeIain | B’ fheàrr leam gun robh thu a’ tighinn dhachaigh còmhla rium a-nochd. | I would prefer that you were coming home with me tonight. |
Norman | Ò, cha bhi e fadadh’innse , m’ eudail. | Oh, it won’t be long, darling. |
Seònag | A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’innse dha? | Are you going to tell him? |
Norman | Ò tha, m’ eudail. Tha. | Oh yes, darling. Yes. |
Seònag | Tha thu ag ràdh sin a h-uile h-oidhche. Cuin a tha thu a' dol a dh’innse dha? | You say that every night. When are you going to tell him? |
Norman | A-màireach, m’ eudail. A-màireach. Oidhche mhath, a-nis. | Tomorrow darling. Tomorrow. Good night, now. |
Iain | Uill, dè tha thu a' dol a dh’innse dhomh? | Well, what are you going to tell me? |
Norman | Tha mi a' dol a dh’innse dhut mu dheidhinn Oisean am Bàrd Èireannach agus sgrìob a thug e gu Tìr nan Òg. | I’m going to tell you about Ossian the Irish Poet and the trip he took to The Island of the Young. |
Interviewer | Agus càit an deach sibh air saor-làithean an-uiridh? | And where did you go on holiday last year? |
Woman | Cha robh mi air falbh idir. Dh’fhuirich mi aig an taigh. | I wasn't away at all. I stayed at home. |
Interviewer | Càit am bu toigh leibh a dhol am-bliadhna? | Where would you like to go this year? |
Woman | Chan eil fhios agam. Scarborough no Blackpool. | I don’t know. Scarborough or Blackpool. |
Interviewer | An robh sibh a-riamh thall thairis? Anns an Fhraing, no...? | Were you ever abroad? In France, or...? |
Woman | Mise? Cha robh. | Me? No. |
Interviewer | Agus dè an aois a tha sibh? | And how old are you? |
Woman | Dè an aois a tha mi? Chan eil mi a’ dol a dh’innse sin dhut, a bhalaich! | How old am I? I’m not going to tell you that, boyo! |
Brother 1 | A bheil thu ag iarraidh reòiteag? | Do you want an ice cream? |
Brother 2 | Tha, ach chan eil airgead agam. | Yes, but I don’t have money. |
Brother 1 | Tha airgead aig granaidh. | Granny has money. |
Brother 2 | Tha granaidh na cadal. | Granny is asleep. |
Brother 1 | Tha mi a' dol a dh’innse dhi. | I’m going to tell her. |
Granny | Chan eil càil ann co-dhiù. | There isn’t anything in it anyway. |