Organising a party A’ cur partaidh air dòigh
Will you manage to come? (plural / polite)An tèid agaibh air tighinn ann?
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
an tug thu cuireadh …? did you give an invite …?
thug mi cuireadh … I gave an invite …
… do dhuine sam bith fhathast … to anyone yet
thug yes (to answer an tug …?)
cha tug no (to answer an tug …?)
thug mi cuireadh do chòignear I gave an invite to five people
bheir iadsan cuireadh do dhaoine eile they will give an invite to other people
chan eil sgillinn ruadh agam I haven’t a red cent (i.e. skint)
Student 1 | Ceart ma-thà. Cia mheud a tha a' tighinn? | Right then. How many are coming? |
Student 2 | Uill, thug mi cuireadh do chòignear. Ailean, Dòmhnall, Marsaili, Seòras agus Catrìona. | Well, I gave an invite to five people. Alan, Donald, Marsaili, George and Catriona. |
Student 1 | Còignear? Chan eil sin mòran. | Five people? That’s not many. |
Student 2 | Chan eil. Ach bheir iadsan cuireadh do dhaoine eile, agus tha seachdnar de chlas agam a thig ann. Jennifer, Catherine-Anna, Guirdeep, Steven, Fiona agus Alasdair. | No. But they will invite other people, and there are seven from my class that will come. Jennifer, Catherine-Anna, Guirdeep, Steven, Fiona and Alasdair. |
Student 1 | An tug thu cuireadh dhaibh fhathast? | Have you given them an invite yet? |
Student 2 | Cha tug, ach bheir. A bheil thu fhèin dol a thoirt cuireadh do dhuine sam bith? | No, but I will. Are you going to give an invite anyone yourself? |
Student 1 | Tha. Tha sianar anns an taigh agam co-dhiù, agus tha ochdnar air a’ chlas agam. | Yes. There are six people in my house anyway, and eight in my class. |
Student 2 | Dè an uair a tha e? Bidh Harris a’ dùnadh, feumaidh sinn deoch a cheannach. | What time is it? Harris will be closing, we need to buy drink. |
Student 1 | Chan fheum. Bheir a h-uile duine deoch leotha. Chan urrainn dhomhsa sin a cheannach airson fichead duine co-dhiù. Chan eil sgillinn ruadh agam. | No. Everyone will bring drink with them. I can’t buy that for twenty people anyway. I’m skint. |
Student 2 | Uill, faodaidh tu deoch a cheannach dhomhsa. An t-uisge-beatha as fheàrr a th’ aca. | Well, you can buy a drink for me. The best whisky that they have. |