Talking about things you enjoy A’ bruidhinn mu rudan a tha a’ còrdadh riut
Teacher | Rebecca, dè tha thu a’ dèanamh? | Rebecca, what are you doing? |
Rebecca | Tha mi a’ dèanamh cupa tì. | I’m making a cup of tea. |
Teacher | Charlotte. A bheil thu a’ dol a dh’ithe seo? | Charlotte. Are you going to eat this? |
Charlotte | Tha. | Yes. |
Teacher | Uill, tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut. | Well, I hope that you enjoy it. |
Customer | A-nis a Mhàiri. Cha bhi mi ag iarraidh pàipear an ath-sheachdain. Tha mi a’ falbh air saor-làithean. | Now Mary. I won’t want a newspaper next week. I’m going on holiday. |
Màiri | Càit a bheil thu a’ dol? | Where are you going? |
Customer | Lanzarote. | Lanzarote. |
Màiri | Nach math dhut. Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e riut. | Good for you. I hope that you enjoy it. |