Cities and Towns Bailtean is Bailtean-mòra
There are plenty of Gaelic place names to be found in Scotland. There are also plenty of online resources and books that will give you more information on place names and often a breakdown of the Gaelic name. Here is a list of Scottish Cities and Towns and their Gaelic equivalent. Also try the Ordnance Survey Introductions to Gaelic origins of place names in Britain and Gaelic Place-names of Scotland project. Tha tòrr ainmean-àite Gàidhlig ann an Alba. Tha tòrr ghoireasan air-loidhne agus leabhraichean le barrachd fiosrachaidh mu ainmean-àite agus mu co às a thàinig gach ainm. Is e seo liosta de dh’ainmean-àite a th’ air na bailtean. Tuilleadh ghoireasan air a’ chuspair seo air làrach an Ordnance Survey agus Ainmean-àite na h-Alba.
Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.
City | Baile | |
Edinburgh | Dùn Èideann | <)) |
Glasgow | Glaschu | <)) |
Dundee | Dùn Dèagh | <)) |
Aberdeen | Obar Dheathain | <)) |
Inverness | Inbhir Nis | <)) |
Stirling | Sruighlea | <)) |
Paisley | Pàislig | <)) |
East Kilbride | Cille Bhrìghde an Ear | <)) |
Livingston | Baile Dhùn Lèibhe | <)) |
Cumbernauld | Comar nan Allt | <)) |
Kircaldy | Cathair Challdain | <)) |
Dunfermline | Dùn Phàrlain | <)) |
Ayr | Inbhir Àir | <)) |
Perth | Peairt | <)) |
Kilmarnock | Cille Mheàrnaig | <)) |
Greenock | Grianaig | <)) |
Glenrothes | Gleann Ràthais | <)) |
Airdrie | Àrd Ruighe | <)) |
Falkirk | An Eaglais Bhreac | <)) |
Dumfries | Dùn Fris | <)) |
If you want to ask someone where they are from, you would say: Cò às a tha thu? Ma tha thu ag iarraidh a’ faighneachd cò às a tha cuideigin, chanadh tu: Cò às a tha thu?