Highland Food Biadh Gàidhealach
You may want to try some traditional Scottish food, especially some Highland delicacies. How many of these have you tried? When you’re confident of your command of Gaelic, why not start trying them all?A bheil thu ag iarraidh biadh Gàidhealach fheuchainn? An do dh’fheuch thu riamh cuid de na stuthan seo?
Tha Fichead Facal ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh facal sam bith san colbh Gàidhlig agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh gnè an fhacail ann.Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.
Food | Biadh | |
porridge | brochan | <)) |
brose | bròs | <)) |
young gannet | guga | <)) |
crowdie | gruth | <)) |
oatcakes | aran coirce | <)) |
herring | sgadan | <)) |
carrageen (seaweed pudding) | carraigean | <)) |
bannock | bonnach | <)) |
whisky | uisge beatha | <)) |
shellfish | maorach | <)) |
shortbread | aran-milis | <)) |
fish head stuffed with oatmeal | ceann-cropaig | <)) |
clootie dumpling | duf | <)) |
scone | sgona | <)) |
barley bread | aran eòrna | <)) |
black pudding | marag dhubh | <)) |
white pudding | marag gheal | <)) |
soup | brot | <)) |
haggis | taigeis | <)) |
cormorant | sgarbh | <)) |
If you want to say something is good:
This is good. Tha seo math.
This is
tasty! Tha blas math air an seo!
Ma tha thu ag iarraidh ag ràdh gu bheil rud math, chanadh tu:
This is
good. Tha seo math.
This is tasty! Tha blas math air an seo!